Sunday, March 14, 2010

Superheroes improving mankind? by Ansley, Eva and Jonathan

The observations that jumped out at the group when observing the superhero action figures were their huge muscles, huge biceps and perfect 6 pack abs. They all had very serious faces, showing no emotions. They were standing in a sturdy pose with their hands clutched in fists. The superheroes in the collection were part of the justice league of America striving to improve the world. The finally thing that was notices was Wonder Woman did not have a tight suit like the men but a sexy skirt and tube top. She also does not have as man muscles as compared to the men. Finally Wonder Women is the only girl action figure in the group and she is Super Man's girlfriend.

The observations lead us to interpret messages communicated by these action figures pertaining to gender. These messages included that you have to be physically buff to be powerful. Other messages consisted of boys can't show emotion and the male superhero has to have a hott girlfriend like Wonder Women but not show emotion towards her. There is also a pressure on young boys growing up that they must become a hero in a sense.

Our group focused on the message about the requirements and exceptions of what it means to be a powerful man. These things consist of being physically strong and fierce/ a lack of emotion. This is shown through a superhero having to stay secretive, keeping people at arms lengths in order to remain powerful and do good in the world. Finally there is a pressure felt growing up that you must be tough and strong because heroes don;t feel pain or get hurt.

Possible implications of this message consist of pressure to have a tough exterior. Also a real man is strong and powerful, never weak or looses to his opponent. Another implication is ways to solve issues is through fighting not talking or compromise. Finally superheroes don't cry. They are always tough and never waver from that.

From these observations and possible messages regarding gender interpreted about the superhero action figures our group developed questions such as in what way does boy's image of superheroes affect the way boys view girls? Also why does Wonder Women have to be sexy and revealed? Another curiosity was how many girls go out and buy these action figures? Finally is it wrong for kids to grow up believing in some one as good and powerful as a superhero when they do not exist?


  1. Seeing and reading about the muscles did not surprise me, but hearing about the facial expressions did surprise me. Is Wonder Woman's expression just as expressionless? Does she have to be "manly" to earn her street cred as a genuine superhero and not just as a sidekick? Is she crossing the gender lines just like Norah Vincent?

  2. I'm interested in your final question: " it wrong for kids to grow up believing in some one as good and powerful as a superhero when they do not exist?" I think that no, it is not. The problem with these superheros is the way in which they define "power" and "good"ness. As you have described the superheros suggest that men hold the power and that power comes from physical strength rather than intellectual or emotional traits. We need to have role models, even if they are unrealistic, which emphasize other heroic traits. The role models should also be more gender-equal; female and male heroes need to be represented!
    Zoe B

  3. I am curious about the physicality of wonderwoman. From the company's perspective, I would argue that showing W.W. in her lack of clothing is simply to make it clear to the consumer that she is not a man. But wait, if a male superhero is powerful and courageous, why would it be important to differentiate the genders and thus separate wonder woman from the males? However, is it necessary to show a woman with smaller muscles and of shorter height? Are her powers less intense than those of the male superheroes? Is she simply a "super hoe" ??

  4. - sry, that was Alexis

  5. I think it was interesting that you brought up the difference between the physical strength of Wonder Woman and of the male superheroes. I hadn't thought about the women as much as the men.
