Sunday, March 7, 2010

Piercings and Tattoos

by Alexandra
When you see someone with lots of piercing or tattoos, what comes to mind? After asking some friends, I got responses such as “biker,” “trashy,” “punk,” “rebel,” “artsy,” or “idiot”. While I would expect these responses from parents or adults, I was surprised that they came from 16 and17 year olds. Maybe I was surprised to hear so many judgmental responses because I have an interest in the two, but rarely did someone respond saying that they wouldn’t think anything of such a person or have a positive connotation of them. In hearing these responses, I began to wonder where these judgments came from. In my understanding of societal expectations, it is socially acceptable to have multiple ear piercings, but not much more. Even a small tattoo seems like a big deal to most.

So why do people get tattoos or piercings? A lot of teens chose to get piercing or tattoos out of rebelliousness. Since they know their parents won’t approve, they get a thrill out of breaking the rules and may even be trying to prove something to others or to themselves. Other reasons people may get tattooed or pierced is because it is something that will set them apart, it is part of a religious ritual, they think it will make them more beautiful, or because it is a way to remember something or someone. I have six ear piercings. I first got my ears pierced when I was so young I don’t even remember it. Then when I was nine or so, I got a second hole because my older sister had one and I wanted to be like her. At around age 13 I got a first cartilage (helix) piercing because I thought it looked really cool on others. I then added a second because I saw someone else who had it and thought it looked nice like that. And finally I got my tragus pierced because not many people I knew had it and since I did it with a cousin from Florida and a cousin from South Africa, it was a fun memory to make with them.


Here is an article that lists a few other reasons people get piercings:.

Like I said earlier, many teens get piercings or tattoos as a form of rebelliousness. This site talks about convincing parents to give

permission to their kids to get a tattoo and/or piercing by identifying the reasons why parents are opposed to them. First of all, it seems that parents are opposed because of permanence. Some fear their children are making the wrong decision and fear they will regret them as they grow older. Secondly, there is a fear about infections due to unsanitary tattoo and piercing parlors. Having been raised in a Jewish community, another parental concern surrounds the religious permissibility of tattoos and piercings. While the torah specifically prohibits tattooing in Leviticus: 19:28[2], there have been disputes among the rabbis as to whether or not this prohibition is particular to G-d’s name being a part of the tattoo. Either way, there is no specific punishment for those who break this law and it is a common misconception that Jews who get tattoos are not allowed to be buried in a Jewish cemetery. In terms of piercings, there are many biblical references to both ear and nose piercings (Exodus: 21:6, Genesis 24:47, Exodus: 32:2)[3] and there is no mention of piercings being prohibited. The only place where the issue becomes tricky is with the idea that man was created in the image of G-d and surrounding the concern of modesty[4]. Otherwise, piercings are perfectly acceptable in the Jewish religion. Another reason parents are opposed to piercings and tattoos is due to the generation gap and the connotations people have with tattoos and piercings. From personal experience, I had a negative connotation to tattoos until more and more people I knew started getting them, slowly making the idea seem less bad to the point where I now think they are really cool.

I think the media has a similar effect. The more celebrities that get tattoos, the more people see them around, the more socially acceptable they become. What famous people wear certainly has a large influence on how people dress and I think the same concept holds true for piercings and tattoos. In looking at this website, I noticed that among celebrities, there are trends in tattoos. For example, there is a long list of 23 celebrities who have gotten tattoos of stars. Since its clear there are some trends among the stars, I wanted to know if this affected teens and found this website, This site suggests that celebrities not only influence the choice of tattoos that teens are getting, but the body parts that are being tattooed as well. With more celebrity tattoos and piercings and a wider range and diversity of types of tattoos and piercings coming about, including the blacklight tattoo [5]

(Also known as the UV tattoo that is invisible unless seen under a blacklight,), which has recently become more popular, it is inevitable that they will become more socially acceptable and widespread.


[2] CJLS Responsum (Alan Lucas “Tattooing and Body Piercing” YD 180.1977)

[3] CJLS Responsum (Alan Lucas “Tattooing and Body Piercing” YD 180.1977)

[4] CJLS Responsum (Alan Lucas “Tattooing and Body Piercing” YD 180.1977)



  1. Alexandra,
    The thing about this that I found the most interesting is I have a pretty similar opinion on tattoos and piercings, but you have thought about it quite a lot more than I have. I was interested to read about the reasons why you have gotten so many ear piercings, and I would like to know what you think of them now. Are you still glad to have so many, and did you ever regret getting one. I was particularly engaged when you wrote about the religious readings for getting or not getting tattoos and piercings. I never thought about the religious connotations of this because I'm not religious, but I can now see why they are so important. I also liked what you wrote about tattoos and how a big part of the attraction is their popularity and their recent entrance into "main-stream" culture. You mentioned that you have started to think tattoos are cool, and I am curious to know whether you would consider getting a tattoo and why.

  2. Dear Alexandra,

    The question as to why tattoos and piercings are such a big deal engaged me from right off the bat. It seems to me as though you chose to discuss the reasons parents are opposed to their children getting tattoos and piercings as means to address this very question. However, I continue to be curious of what about piercings and tattoos engage you. I am intrigued how tattoos serve as fashion statements and how you decided to get your tragas pierced as a way to be set apart from the many people you know who do not have their tragas pierced. At last, did you find biblical references where ear and nose piercings are mentioned prior to getting your six piercings? Would the messages in the bible have influenced your decision?

    - Alexis

  3. Alex,
    This piece really resonated with me. I've often wondered about the ideas and stereotypes surrounding piercings and tattoos. You also provided me with a window into the Jewish aspect; I hadn't even thought about a religious point of view on the topic. I'd be interested in what you have to say about the general views of society on the topic and why you think they say that. I really enjoyed reading and thinking about this. Thanks for that. :)

  4. Also sorry my comment was so short. I'm kinda still processing what you said. :)

  5. Alex-
    The first picture that you have up is SHOCKING! I really cannot ever imagine having a corset of piercings down my back. I would have to go backless shirt shopping for weeks to be able to show that baby off! I guess what I am saying is that I really wonder with some forms of extreme piercing and tattoos what really is the point? If it is to set yourself apart then is that really the way you want to distinguish yourself? As the girl with the hot pink corset back piercing? Wouldn't you rather be known as smart or funny or hardworking? Maybe I am just wildly conservative when it comes to this topic.

    You know that I have been thinking a decent amount about getting a blacklight tattoo. I would want one because it would be something that only I would know about and it would be just like having a tattoo but without all those social connotations that come along with having a tattoo- those ideas about rebels, biker chicks and so on that I don't really associate myself with. I guess what has held me back from getting one though has been the idea of what is the point? Isn't the point of a tattoo to show it off and let it be known that you are a part of the subculture that took the risk to express themself with body art? A tattoo that could only be shown when I am at a blacklight convention does not seem practical for this point then. I guess there is no point which is why I have not taken the plunge yet.

    The other idea I have that would be fun to explore is the idea of piercing and tattoos and gender. Are there different connotations for woman having these over men? Is it more acceptable for woman to get piercings? Most woman do have their ears pierced. Why? Why don't men wear earrings?

    This makes me think a lot, I guess mostly because I can so easily relate to this as I think about what my own tattoo would be if it ever should appear. Thanks Alex!

  6. Alexandra,
    I think you chose a very interesting and controversial topic that allowed you to explore things that branched farther out than just tattoos such as generation gaps, what is considered trashy which even further relates to gender issues,and finally religious views. I personally am to afraid to get a tattoo because the fear of something so permanent and it was interesting to read you debating this idea. And also I enjoyed the way you explored parents reactions to the idea of tattoos and piercings because that is definitely something I find true in my own life. But I curious as tattoo or piercing your body is so fascinating to you? Are you intrigued by the idea of having something constant or are you one of the rebellious teens you speak of in your blog? What about the idea of decorating your body fascinates you so much?
